The association’s formative documents state that commercial unit owners are responsible for paying their own utilities. However, the ~50 commercial closet units on the property draw electricity from the association’s metered circuits instead of their own and are thus paid for by the association. The restaurant unit owned by John Gordon disposes of its trash in the association’s dumpster. When asked about this John Gordon stated that he was making $25k payments to the association to cover these expenses. The budget shows no such payments. When asked whether he planned on keeping these payments a secret from the condo community and out of the budget, John Gordon stated, “Yes.” Furthermore, when an owner contacted the Orange County cadastral manager regarding property taxes on the commercial closet units, he was told that the property taxes for the commercial closet units is being paid for by the association instead of their owner. This is improper and should have been addressed years ago. Not surprisingly, the board members don’t seem to care about this or anything else.