Over the last several years the Association has wasted a massive amount of money renting the water pump that sits in the fenced area in the parking lot beside Building 2. The fence that surrounds the pump has now been installed in a permanent fashion indicating that the association intends to house a water pump in that location indefinitely. The expense for the water pump rental is obscured from the condo community’s view because it is hidden in another line item in the budget. Owners wonder why the association didn’t fix the drainage problem with the $150k+ instead of wasting everyone’s money on the rental of a water pump. Owners also wonder why the association chooses to waste this money to rent a water pump that can be bought for under $25k. The association also built a giant unsightly steep wooden bridge to span the water discharge hose where it crosses the walkway. That bridge itself is dangerous because of its excessive height and high slope angle. Someone in a wheelchair would likely be unable to cross the bridge or would be injured in the process.